#scp 1985
mewy101 · 7 months
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Art trade with friendz,,, weed girlfriends 👍
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rottingraisins · 1 year
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insert weed smoking girlfriends joke
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whiplashsquid · 1 year
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I have nothing to say other than tagging everyone will be an absolute nightmare
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rustyboltzz · 6 months
Cheese wives who fight in the cheese war for the SCP (Shanklish, Cambozola, Parmesan.) Cheese Foundation
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+ bonus silly
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glassautomaton · 6 months
Dead Man's Party - SCP Foundation (wikidot.com)
Alpha-9 competes with a new threat for a mysterious objective, much to everyone's detriment.
Alright, only like six months give since I last added to the series and closer to nine since I moved the plot forwards, nobody think about that just read the new article.
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hollydogs · 6 months
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two scp doodles
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handsome-john · 3 months
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Jacqueline Johnson (SCP-1985) stimboard for @rustyboltzz
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arson-jellyfish69 · 1 year
How it started:
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How it's going:
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nach0 · 2 years
pulling on a frayed rope
Iris is getting tired of Jacqueline bothering her about wing care. It’s her business what she does with them.
Tensions rise.
Things get said that cannot be taken back.
Ao3 Link
Word Count: 885
Iris stormed into the cafeteria, rubbing her forehead and ignoring the looks she was getting from the diners inside. Maybe if she went somewhere public she would have the self-control to not murder Jacqueline.
“Please, can you just stop for a moment?”
“What, no sir?” She snarked, going to her usual table and pulling out her crossword book. Everything about her body language and expression screamed ‘go away, don’t talk to me.’
“The word is tetrapod,” Jacqueline said after a glance, sitting down next to her. She didn’t flinch as the book was slammed shut. “This is serious. You need to talk to someone about it, even if you’re pushing me away.”
(Iris knew she would regret not writing it down later. She never got the science words.)
She glanced around. There were stares, but from mostly unfamiliar faces. No chance of being ganged up on.
Her eye twitched at the concern she could practically feel clogging the air. What she did with her wings was her own business, and the nagging was getting on her already tight nerves.
“Just leave me alone.”
That came out more tired than she’d meant. It only increased Jacqueline’s pity.
“If something’s wrong I’m sure we can stop missions for a while-”
Iris slowly stood. Usually she was far shorter, but their positions allowed her to glare down.
“What the hell do you think happens if missions stop? If I say I need a break?”
Jacqueline shuffled back slightly, opening her mouth to respond. But Iris cut her off.
“The team dies. They’re looking for any excuse to shut it down, and the leader being unstable is the perfect reason. Or maybe they just grab another kid. Another thirteen year old, powers they never wanted, turned into a murderer for the foundation’s greed.”
They were getting stared at. Site guards were glancing at each other, unsure of whether to interfere.
She no longer cared.
“Sir- Iris- I had no idea...”
“I know you didn’t. Because you have no idea what it was like back then. What it could be like if we don’t keep our heads down and follow orders.”
She flared her wings, framing her face in blood red. The cut and pulled feather ends were clear for all the onlookers to see, which by now was everyone in the room. She’d done it roughly and quickly, a rag in her mouth to prevent her from crying out in the dark of a mission safehouse.
Jacqueline, with her own feathers puffed up, stood. Looked down at her sadly. Let out a small, sad, sigh.
Her anger turned cold.
“Why don’t I tell you exactly what would happen if I skipped even one mission.”
The shaking rage in her voice was the only emotion, making it otherwise flat.
“Everyone who wants our team gone swoops in. We have no reason to leave our cells anymore. Oh, you have your tests, but they can muscle you into those. Why bother rewarding you for cooperating?”
There was loud chatter that died down slowly at it got closer. Iris didn’t bother to look at whoever had just come in.
“Our doors get locked. No roaming, no cafeteria, nothing except those four walls. You can say goodbye to anything you’ve been given. Too expensive to bother giving skips that aren’t useful anything to do.”
“Iris.” Jacqueline cut in; tone full of an emotion Iris can’t bother to identify. “Maybe we should move this somewhere private.”
She scoffed. “You were the one who started this here. So I’ll be the one to finish it. You protest these changes. You’re a person, you shout at them. You never did anything wrong.”
She glared at her, but her eyes were focused on something that wasn’t there.
“They laugh at you. Because you’re wrong. You haven’t been a person since you stepped foot in this place. They let you think you are until you’re not a compliant little puppet. And when your strings are cut? You’re left willing to do anything to get a semblance of normalcy. Even something you almost escaped to avoid doing.”
Iris turned away and pulled her wings tightly to herself. She didn’t meet anyone else’s eyes.
“Go back to your cell, 1985. You’ll be called when needed.”
Jacqueline let out a sharp gasp and Iris’ eyes widened with regret, whirling around and reaching out. “Wait, Jackie I didn’t-”
“Yes sir.”
Iris watched her walk out, flinching when she realised Stacy and Leora were watching her in shock from the doorway.
They both followed Jackie without a word.
She didn’t know how long she’d been standing there before a guard escorted her back to her cell, the clank of the lock ringing loudly in the empty space.
No use getting attached to objects that can be taken. She’d told herself years ago.
Now she would kill for a distraction.
She pulled her jacket off, running a thumb over the Alpha-9 logo stitched into the sleeve. She knew if she pulled it off, the other one would be underneath it.
On the other side sat the foundation’s symbol. The same symbol on every guard’s uniform, every researcher’s lab coat.
The symbol worn by everyone who had ever belittled her, dehumanised her, made her feel like nothing.
And now she was just like them.
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
Anomalous Employment Division
Description: As new anomalies appear in our world and other worlds, the ones we are already familiar with only get older and older. Thus, there's leaves three options for said anomalies leave them be, decommission and therefore Neutralize them, or utilize them. For those that can and should be utilized rather than neutralized they are debriefed here at the AED.
The AED is the dedicated to showing the more humane side of the Foundation by giving the contained anomalies a chance to benefit humanity rather than putting it in danger. As such the AED only works with sentient, humanoid, and non-hostile anomalies. All other anomalies are not in the jurisdiction of the AED. It should also be noted that SCPs debriefed by the AED are to no longer be referred to as my their SCP number or Code Name, instead they will be referred to by the names they originally had or the ones they chose for themselves. Upon completion of any training, augmentations, and treatment needed they will be referred to as Foundation Staff with Class F status. Class F status implies a Foundation staff member that has been affected by anomalous properties but is to not be contained, instead use their anomalous properties to further benefit the Foundation if at all possible.
SCP's commissioned:
- SCP-040/ Name: Dr. Evolution/ Current Age: 24/ Condition: Given Foundation lotion to prevent harm form UV rays and potential diseases. Trained by Foundation evolutionary biologists to understand her powers better/ Affiliation: Cryptozoology Division.
- SCP-049/ Name: Dr. Haselhurst/ Current Age: Unknown (Immortal)/ Condition: Begrudgingly agreed to work alongside the Foundation and only focus on the Pestilence as a side project rather than his main goal, is given a single Class-D every week as per agreement/ Affiliation: Fire Suppression Department - Biology and Health Division.
- SCP-053/ Name: Abby Johnson/ Current Age Biologically: 20/ Current Age Correctly: Unknown (Immortal)/ Condition: Is given a supplement to help her age like a normal human, at least until she reaches the age of 21. Is currently studying with the Fire Suppression Department to one day work with them. Is only allowed to visit SCP-682 once a month or more when testing is involved/ Affiliation: Understudy for Fire Suppression Department - Containment and Security Division.
- SCP-073/ Name: Agent Cain/ Current Age: Unknown (Immortal)/ Condition: is give regular therapy by Dr. Talic and has been equipped with [data expunged] allowing him to turn off his powers when not on missions/ Affiliation: MTF Alpha-9.
- SCP-076-2/ Name: Agent Able/ Current Age: Unknown (Immortal)/ Condition: [data expunged]. Despite this, he is to only be deployed as a last resort, and never when Agent Thompson or Agent Cain is present/ Affiliation: MTF Alpha-9.
- SCP-105/ Name: Agent Thompson Captain Iris Clef/ Current Age: 41/ Condition: Given a newly furnished room and complete freedom to wander Site-[data expunged] and has been promised to not only be properly trained but also better treated by Foundation staff. New equipment has also been promised as well as freedom to visit her friend Agent Victoria and her girlfriend wife Dr. Clef/ Affiliation: MTF Captain of Alpha-9 Division Dagger.
- SCP-134/ Name: Dr. Stella Starchild/ Current Age: 40/ Condition: Given an augmentation surgery to her ears to allow her to better percive her surroundings. She still can’t see but is able to tell where objects are and how to avoid bumping into people. She doesn’t like to talk so instead, she was taught ASL, JSL, CSL, BSL, and FSL. Had a particular interest with Theology and thus was taught in the subject as well/ Affiliation: Department of Tactical Theology.
- SCP-166/ Dr. Meri Clef/ Current Age: 43/ Condition: given a necklace made by the Foundation that is able to suppress her anomalous abilities without harming her in any way/ Affiliation: Fire Suppression Department - Psychology and Therapy Division.
- SCP-191/ Name: Agent Cidney Victoria/ Current Age: 40/ Condition: Given several surgeries with the regenerative cybernetic flesh of Tau-5 units and thus she now has their capabilities, their strength, their speed, their regeneration, their immunity, and can now talk. She still doesn't need to eat but does so out of joy/ Affiliation: MTF Tau-5.
- SCP-239/ Name: Dr. Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir (Agent Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir)/ Current Age: 38/ Condition: Received therapy from Dr. Corvio and Dr. [data expunged]. Later trained to properly control her powers by MTF Hecate-A: Real Magic/ Affiliation: Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare (Mobile Task Force Commander of Hecate-A: Real Magic - Oracles Third Eye.)
- SCP-347/ Name: Agent Claudia Rains/ Current Age: 56/ Condition: Reluctantly trained by MTF Specialists in covert operations, hand to hand, and close quarters combat/ Affiliation: Spy Agent for MTF Delta-5 and MTF Alpha-9.
- SCP-507/ Name: Agent John Hopper/ Current Age: Unknown (Assumed to be in 40s or 50s)/ Condition: Was given a Collar made with vibration crystals and created by the DTASMW to keep him in our reality. He can now only jump into other realities when he wants too. Like before he is still immune to the hazards of other realties. Given monthly therapy sessions with Doctor Rover/ Affiliation: Emergency agent of MTF Alpha-9 Division Dagger.
- SCP-590/ Name: Dr. Thomas Jack Shaw/ Current Age: 43/ Condition: Has been given a Foundation supplement that restores his health should he ever use his powers. Has been taught by Dr. Haselhurst and Dr. MacQuoid in medical science and how to use advanced Foundation medical tools, equipment, and medicine. Regularly sees Dr. Clef to ensure his mental health doesn't deteriorate/ Affiliation: Fire Suppression Department - Biology and Health Division.
- SCP-734/ Name: Agent David Founder/ Current Age 15/ Condition: Raised by two AFA-3's designed to be immune to his powers. Taught him the values of life, the SCP Foundation, and the great use of his powers. Is given regular psyche evaluations by Dr. Corvio/ Affiliation: Mobile Task Force Alpha-9
- SCP-1360/ Name: Agent Hector/ Current Age: Unknown/ Condition: [Data Expunged]/ Affiliation: MTF Tau-5.
- SCP-1985/ Name: Agent Jacqueline Johnson/ Current Age: 42/ Condition: Given complete control of the anomalous abilities of the device through Dr. Stefansdottir. She can now travel to any reality she likes and temporarily alter her body to become accustomed to that reality or gain abilities that are considered common place within that reality/ Affiliation: Field Agent within the Department of the Impossible.
- SCP-2118/ Name: Researcher Carly Love/ Current Age: 14/ Condition: Given a mask that suppresses her anomalous outbursts; has been given different masks with different styles for fashion purposes. Has been adopted by Dr. Susan Love and sees Dr. Talic on a monthly basis/ Affiliation: Understudy for Department of Universal Affairs.
- SCP-2192/ Name: Researcher Milaya Atomic/ Current Age: 13/ Condition: Has been given bath bombs containing chemicals that sooth her damaged body and with time should give her new skin. If this doesn't work, she is to be given a full body bio suit that will act as her skin. There is also the construction of her armor that should allow her to control the radiation emitted from her body. Regularly receives training from Agent Wells and psyche evaluations from Dr. Talic/ Affiliation: Understudy for the Anomalous Employment Division.
- SCP-2241/ Name: Cameron Crusader/ Current Age: 10/ Condition: Receives training from Dr. Stefansdottir and therapy sessions from Dr. Clef/ Affiliation: Future candidate for MTF Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-2273/ Name: Captain Alexei Belitrov/ Current Age: 55/ Condition: Received proper therapy from Dr. Carvio and the suit was repaired and upgraded by the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare. He is now able to take suit off and on at will/ Affiliation: Captain of MTF Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-2639/ Names: Agent GRRGRL, Agent WTF_STFU, Agent BOOGER/ Condition: Thanks to the Church of Maxwellism the Foundation was able to manifest immortal bodies for each of them that will simply respawn in an area close to where they died. They can now even see the world for what it is and are even able to interact with the world normally and modify their bodies to appear how they want. They can also manifest any SCP-2639-B item they desire at any time they want. SCP-2639-C has also been upgraded to ensure that the three of them won’t have to worry about death by other means. Furthermore, the Church of Maxwellism also made [data expunged] to ensure that if the computer does get destroyed the three of them will simply go to [data expunged] which is a sort of digital afterlife for Maxwellists/ Affiliation: MTF-Omega-9 (Sometimes works with MTF Tau-5)
- SCP-3293/ Name: Cooper Wells/ Current Age: 12/ Condition: Trained by Dr. Stefansdottir to understand and control his anomalous abilities. Has secretly received memetic therapy to regulate his chaotic behavior and desire to create more complex and often destructive devices/ Affiliation: Future candidate for MTF Alpha-9
- SCP-4051/ Name: Agent Rainer Miller/ Current Age: 30/ Condition: Trained by Foundation medics to understand the contents of medicine so he could manifest them, trained by Foundation engineers to understand phones and other useful devices, and trained by Foundation MTF’s to better understand melee and firearm weapons. like all approved by the AED is allowed to visit his family when not on missions and has his abilities suppressed. is also regularly given therapy by Dr. Clef/ Affiliation: Agent of MTF-Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-4494/ Name: The Specter/ Current Age: Unknown/ Condition: Was given a [data expunged] to allow him to [data expunged] as to prevent another “breakdown of the concept of crime” scenario form happening as well as a [data expunged] so that the Foundation can contact him on missions, especially ones relating to his anomalous state/ Affiliation: Agent of MTF Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-4818/ Name: Leora Lightfoot/ Current Age: 20/ Condition: Was trained by Agent Wells to control her powers/ Affiliation: Agent of MTF Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-5239/ Name: Blane Veers/ Current Age: 21/ Condition: Given Therapy sessions by Dr. Clef. Trained in MTF tactics and many types of thaumaturgic spells and rituals/ Affiliation: Captain of MTF Beta-777.
- SCP-5419/ Name: Quincy Koothrapali/ Current Age: 9/ Condition: Given weekly therapy sessions by Dr. Clef. Also trained in MTF tactics and war strategies/ Affiliation: Future candidate for MTF Demeter-4.
- SCP-6101/ Name: Ethan Prosper/ Current Age: 5/ Condition: Non-Anomalous currently, but thanks to SCP-[data expunged] we know he will gain anomalous abilities by the age of 9. Though of course this might not happen as most things given The Reset, but until he becomes of age, the Foundation will continue to monitor him/ Affiliation: Civilian life. Future Candidate for MTF Alpha-9 Division Spear.
- SCP-AAS/ Name: Agent McGee Commander Charlie Wells/ Current Age: 48/ Condition: trained to control her power and unleash her full potential without hurting others/ Affiliation: MTF Alpha-9. (Sometimes works with MTF Epsilon-9)
- SCP-ABL/ Name: Dr. Mathew Wells/ Current Age: 43/ Condition: Receives therapy on a biweekly basis with Dr. Corvio, given gloves by the DTASMW that allow him to heal anyone regardless of their religious affiliation and won't cause him to change at all/ Affiliation: Fire Suppression Department - Biology and Health Division.
- SCP-ACP/ Name: Dr. Carrie Yalemin/ Current Age: 24/ Condition: Has been cured of her mental trauma and her life is no longer under the influence of the Scarlet King thanks to Project [data expunged] created by Dr. Zeek/ Affiliation: Department of Tactical Theology.
- SCP-ACV/ Name Emily Valant/ Current Age: 39/ Condition: Her twin SCP-ACV-2 has been forced under a medical procedure to make him clinically braindead. She has inherited all his abilities as a result without his psychotic behavior. Still regularly sees Dr. Rover for therapy sessions on a month basis/ Affiliation: Personal trainer and tutor of new recruits for MTF Alpha-9.
- SCP-AGC/ Name: Agent Tree Gelbman/ Current Age: 29/ Condition: Given medical treatment for the recoil of her abilities and therapy from Dr. Rover. Train in basic and some advanced military combat skills and tactics/ Affiliation: Member of MTF Alpha-9 Division "Shield"
- SCP-AGT/ Name: Agent Jodie Jaden Holems/ Current Age: 33/ Condition: Given proper housing for himself and his four friends as well as their newborn child they are raising together. Also was given the ability to transition from female to male thanks to Dr. Zeek/ Affiliation Member of MTF Hecate-Alpha "Real Magic" Division "Sorcerer's Staff".
- SCP-ASZ/ Name: Cody Morgan/ Current Age: 16/ Condition: Has been given therapy on a weekly basis by Dr. Corvio. Trained by Dr. Stefansdottir to keep his powers in check and better control them/ Affiliation: Future candidate for MTF Alpha-9 Division Spear.
- SCP-AZJ/ Name: Agent David McGowan/ Current Age: 37/ Condition: Received monthly therapy from Dr. Talic and special training form Agent Wells to keep him sane and his powers strong. Affiliation: Agent of MTF Alpha-9 Division Dagger (Sometimes works with MTF Delta-5)
End Note: By Order of the 05 Council even after being processed by the AED certain anomalies are still required to do cross testing and other experiments. However, there will be more leniency with regards to protocol “Anomalous Lives Matter” as well as the fact that they are Foundation staff now.
SCP: HMF - Departments and Divisions Hub
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hiltalaine · 11 months
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And communicated correctly.
Subliminal chains
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thebearme · 2 years
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just going to warn you that this is long
EDgar Joseph
6'9 ft
Pisces 23 Y/o 3/2/1985
Film college major (Jobs: Indie horror film maker, Animal caretaker)
Butter toast & Gravy (duh)
Alien Boy - Oliver Tree
Eight Wonder - Lemon Demon
Turn the lights off - TallyHall
- Arts & craft master
- Has a fursona
- Learned what a shower is
- He's still is a lil gross
- Ed changed his name to Ed so he can match with Eddy when he was 6
- Ed real name is: Bob Horace Joseph
- Lemon demon fan
- The one ed to be dating a Kankers (May)
- The oldest ed (he got left-back a year)
- Has yellow teeth becuz he didn't brush his teeth when he was younger
- Has a pet chicken from Rolf but it's at the barn, can't stay at the dorms :(
- Takes care of Rolf's animals ever so often, he loves when he can help
- Thinks of Dee like a mom figure
- Is on better ground with Sarah after BPS and once she realizes how awful their mom was to Ed
- Ed's the only person with yellow skin that because of all the gravy grease he eats
- Drop the violin to play all types of weird instruments instead
- LOVES crytids, FNAF lore and SCP
- Likes going to haunted places for fun
- Ed's drawings are now ten times more disturbing
- Draws on mspaint
- Ed is a food stealer
- Ed and Edd bond with the unexplainable wonders of the world (Deep sea creatures)
- Instead of getting a chewy necklace he just buys chew toys for dogs, they're cheaper and cooler
- Uses weird emojis: 🧟‍♂️🦷🧠🪳🌚
* Has a fractured skull
* Brain hurts fr when he thinks hard
* Frequently lost of balance = needs a cane
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EDDward (Double dee) Johnson
6'3 ft
Trans-Masc & Bi
Aquarius 22 Y/o 2/10/1986
Psychology major / Science engineering minor (Jobs: none, scholarships & grants are paying the tuition)
Tuna fish gumbo
The machine - Lemon Demon
American healthcare - Penelope Scott
I threw out love of my dreams - Weezer
Pretty rave girl
- It was hard for Dee to not pick every major
- Double dee got overwhelmed with the college choices he had so he just followed the eds in to Peach Creek's community college
- The OCD got worse when he got older so the eds made a compromise to help clean the dorm often
- Santa believer
- Has a Costco supply of everything
- He likes scene but doesn't tell the eds
- Can't flirt for his life
- Dee Prays everyday that God will forgive the eds sins
- insomniac
- Double dee is trying to find a Scientific explanation for why their tongues are still dyed by the jawbreakers for years now
- Double dee has to braid his hair back before going to bed or else it would be wild in the morning
- Dee is comfortable in his body, doesn't need a bind all the time
- If you don't let Dee to say big words he'll start speaking like a bimbo unironically
- The Light-skin
- Is a ferret
- He got therapy for the 'dodgeball incident'
- Still wears his hat always, even when the eds already know about the scar
- Still passionate about learning but is slowly being a burnt out gifted student
- Even though Eddy tends to distract Dee from studying, if Eddy left college Double dee would have dropped out with him. A least for a gap year(s)
- Dee is a hugger
- Double dee found out that there's a Chemical compound with in shrooms that lessen the psychological symptoms of OCD...
- Dee has shrooms
- Dee is not afraid to be the bitchy friend to make sure the eds don't get themselves into jail
- Willing to kill for Eddy
- A certified forklift driver
- Mothers Ed
- Writes large paragraphs in text and the small amount of emoticons he uses are: =] >:-( :-D
* Asthma
* Diabetic (genetic, from both parents) Wears a insulin pump
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Edwin (EDDY) McGee
5'3 ft
Puerto Rican (1/2 mother's side)
Italian American (1/2 father's side)
Aries 21 Y/o 3/24/1987
Undeclared major
(Jobs: whatever job he has that week)
Crafts mac n cheese
Soft Fuzzy Man - Lemon Demon
What's New Pussycat - Tom Jones
Lyin' Awake - Steam Powered Giraffe
Cuphead Rap - JT Music
- Eddy frankly doesn't know how he graduated high school
- Eddy loves old stuff (music, clothes, technology)
- Eddy likes underrated/unappreciated historical figures
- He can still be erratic sometimes and still haves trust issues
- Eddy does his nails
- Once he stopped wearing his brother's clothes he started finding his own style
- He is a FASHION KING, never seen in the same clothes often
- Drag queen
- Still doesn't understand personal space or the difference from complements and flirting
- Still a big sap
- Constantly sleeps in Dee bedroom instead of his own
- Insecure with his curly hair so he gel's it most of the time
- Weed smoker
- Once had the eds do a breaking bad
- Surprisingly nice legs
- Insomniac
- Eddy tends to have depressive episodes
- Occasionally goes to therapy, but keeps making light of his issues or dodging them completely
- Writes his name on his food so Ed won't steal it (It doesn't work)
- Was a Premature baby
- Eddy is actually really smart and can make things, he just doesn't have the foresight or the motivation
- Eddy has a pet mouse
- He's flexible and can do acrobatics
- Eddy is still a little narcissistic
* Has a stiff right wrist (has a wrist brace that he doesn't wear, prefers to just use he's left hand)
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rottingraisins · 2 years
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site-17s most dysfunctional polycule
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rohanabb · 7 months
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ell-hs on tumblr / © stills / unknown textbook (post) / sir gawain and the green knight, tr. simon armitage
> root access granted
> task directory: arrival. introduction. first impressions.
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄. Rohan Ibrahim Abbasi, PhD 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒. Ro 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌. Riz Ahmed
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒. medium height, lean build; cropped hair; short, trimmed beard; casual posture, typically leaning against counters, walls, or doorways with arms crossed; kind eyes. 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒 / 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. none.
𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐃.𝐎.𝐁. 38 / 30 Sept. 1985 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂. Libra
𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍. Mississauga, ON, Canada 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘. • Muhammad Erhan Abbasi. Father, b. 1949 • Mariyam Abbasi. Mother, b. 1953 • Samaya Hijazi. Sister, b. 1981. Married, two children (17f, 12m). • Naima Abbasi Ito . Sister, b. 1982. Married, three children. (11f, 5m, 5f) • Hanif Muhammad Abbasi. Brother, b. 1987. Married, one child (2m).
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 / 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒. trans man / he & him 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘. bisexual 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒. single, formerly engaged
𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒. charismatic, focused, creative, enthusiastic, tenacious 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒. stubborn, arrogant, dismissive, self-righteous, overzealous 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒. nail & cuticle biting; interrupting; leaving personal projects unfinished; double texting 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒. long distance running; a moderator on r/askbiology and frequent contributor to r/askscience; occasional tutoring high school students & undergrads
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𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐅𝐅 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄. Staff Researcher
𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍(𝐒). • May 2018 – Dec 2018. Research Assistant at Site-17, Talbot Lab • Jan 2018 – Apr 2020. Postdoctoral Researcher at Site-17, Talbot Lab • Apr 2020 – Nov 2021. Postdoctoral Researcher at Site-17, Keir Research Group
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓. (November 2021 – Present) Site-169 Anomalous Entity Engagement Division, Schaffer Research Group. Investigating class-B amnestic-facilitated disruption of the hive mind. Tested on colonies with lineages from samples of SCP-1166, SCP-4589, and SCP-171. Experiment ended in failure, requiring fumigation of lab vivariums.
academic. BSc in Biochemistry with a minor in Physiology (following a drop from the pre-med track) from McGill, MSc in Pharmacology from McGill, PhD in Neuroscience from University of Toronto extracurricular. tbd
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Dr. Rohan Abbasi first came to the Foundation’s attention shortly following the defense and subsequent publication of his master’s thesis, entitled “Correlation between the potency of hallucinogens in the mouse head-twitch response assay and their behavioral and subjective effects in other species.” (Neuropharmacology 2014). An auspicious start for someone who was, of his own admission, little more than a glorified lab grunt prior to the manuscript’s completion. The Foundation’s growing interest in Dr. Abbasi swiftly followed with his continuing doctoral research into the treatment of complex-PTSD and psychopathies with medical-grade psychedelics and hallucinogens.  Records indicate this culmination of Dr. Abbasi’s academic focus to be some combination of chance — with a Research Assistantship in Professor Szymanski’s research group at the University of Toronto open, and Rohan Abbasi in need of additional funding — and a longer trend of interest in and unorthodox approaches to pharmacology and medicine. It was with this in mind that a small but robustly funded lab at site-17 solicited a freshly minted Dr. Abbasi to interview for an opening postdoctoral research position within the group.  In the seven years since his tenure at the Foundation began, Dr. Rohan Abbasi’s reputation and portfolio tell vastly different stories of the same man. Colleagues and close personal acquaintances of Dr. Abbasi consistently praise the discipline, energy, and creativity he brings to research settings. Indeed, much of Dr. Abbasi’s early career at the Foundation is categorized by a nearly unending stream of proposals submitted, findings published, journal clubs established, and special interest committees formed. It became, however, the concern of his hiring supervisor that such enthusiasm and, frankly, naivete would outstrip the professional demands of this particular role. Following agreement from all parties, Dr. Abbasi’s fellowship continued under the supervision of the Keir group.  Thus, a pattern began to emerge. Dr. Abbasi filled his new position with what former colleagues would now consider characteristic effusiveness and vigor. Rohan himself jumped between several projects, submitting additional proposals for each with or without final approval from his new supervisor, nearly all of which were, unsurprisingly, summarily rejected. This had seemingly little effect on Dr. Abbasi’s commitment to proposing outlandish, unorthodox, unrealistic, and in more than a few cases downright insulting avenues of research or applications of novel (often as-yet-unreplicated) findings.   Neither Dr. Abbasi nor his new team were under any illusions, then, on the circumstances and stakes surrounding the assumption of his third post, now in the Anomalous Entity Engagement Division. Indeed, it seems he has finally understood the precarious situation he has continuously engaged in, and has pivoted to bolstering his professional reputation alongside his personal. It’s with this mutual agreement that Dr. Abbasi has been encouraged to continue his work on class B amnestics.
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. dm for skeleton-specific details.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. Palamades Sextus ( The Locked Tomb ); The Biologist ( Annihilation ); Cosima Niehaus ( Orphan Black ); Dr. Allison Cameron ( House ); Rose Franklin ( The Themis Files ); Hank McCoy/Beast ( X-Men ); definitely others
𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒. tbd.
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rustyboltzz · 9 months
Okay Anne
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glassautomaton · 6 months
The former members of Alpha-9 try to figure out where to go after the death of Iris Thompson. Probably could have gotten this out a bit sooner if I had asked for crit once I finished the draft, but oh well. Everyone is completely fine and handling things well, especially Adams, she's having a normal one.
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